Submit a drawing, painting, photo, digital creation or animation...
Why display your work on E-Cards?
- Great exposure: E-Cards receives thousands of visitors each day.
- Fun resource: A fun way to send your images to friends and family. A great link for your website.
- Improve your web ranking and traffic: Links from your "Artist Page" will drive traffic to your website and help your site's search engine ranking.
- Help the environment: Your images will gain a positive environmental association and help us support environmental action.
Program Overview:
E-Cards' Contributor:
This program is a fantastic opportunity for anyone with 1 to 3 images or animations.
If selected, the submission will become part of our site's array of memorable imagery.
Approved contributors will receive a direct link to their images for faster E-Card access and sending.
E-Cards' Artist:
An E-Cards contributor must have a total of 4 images selected for posting.
E-Cards' artists may choose to have a biography hosted on E-Cards.
Artists will also receive a direct link to their images for faster E-Card access and sending.
Submission Guidlines:
Details For Submitting Your Image(s):
If you are interested submitting images to E-Cards, please send us an e-mail containing the following:
- Your name.
- Your website URL (if applicable).
- Your images.
- Images must meet the following criteria:
- Only digital images are accepted. Formats accepted: GIF, JPG, TIFF, Photoshop (PSD).
- High quality images - not overly compressed or shrunk in dimension.
- Minimum dimension (height or width): 1,000 pixels.
- Title for each image.
- Geographic locations for each image (if applicable).
Submission Selection:
Submission selection is decided by the E-Cards Artist Review Panel. In reviewing all work, our panel tries to make its evaluations based on the following criteria:
- Image/scan quality.
- Thematic fit with our site. Our panel favors the following themes: wildlife, nature, environment, indigenous peoples, destinations, exotic locations, holidays, special occasions and animations.
- Inherent appeal: fun, beautiful, cute, humorous...
Please send all formatted image submissions and all necessary details to: 
If accepted, artists will be asked to sign a statement verifying that they are the creator and sole copyright owner of their submissions.
Photographs containing images of people will require photo releases.
We look forward to viewing your images!