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When uploading, my images never appear.
Upload errors might be a result of any of the following:
Slow Connection Speed: If you are uploading a large image and your internet connection isn't great, then it may take a few moments for your image to appear in your Scrapbook. If it never appears, then the process may have given up due to connection issues. Try again! It should eventually work for you.
Wrong Image Format: Only certain image and file formats are accepted by the Uploader. They are: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tiff, .tif or .bmp formats. If your file does not fit into one of these types, then what you input will not upload successfully.
Scrapbook Storage Full: You may have reached your capacity.
Image Already Uploaded: If you attempt to upload the same image twice, the uploader will recognize this -- and will not put both copies into your scrapbook.
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